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International Relations Service


Hone your language skills while immersing yourself in new cultures through our language exchange programme.


Hone your language skills while immersing yourself in new cultures through our language exchange programme.

About us

The International Relations Service promotes and coordinates International Relations at the University, in collaboration with its Schools, Faculties and Institutes, with international universities and cultural institutions, as well as with official bodies and organisations that promote international university cooperation. The University's Centre for Study Abroad Programmes also forms part of this "Comillas International" Service.

Mission and objectives

To contribute to a greater degree of internationalisation of the University by promoting and coordinating the relations of the University, together with its Schools, Faculties and Institutes, with international universities and cultural institutions, as well as with official bodies and international inter-university cooperation agencies.
To help our students, teachers and Administration and Services Staff to participate in international experiences that also help them to improve their linguistic and cultural competences, enriching them as individuals and enhancing their curriculum vitae.

International Team

International Relations Service

International conventions, networks and recognitions

At Comillas University, we have an extensive network of academic agreements and international recognition. These agreements allow us to offer our students the opportunity to access educational experiences in prestigious institutions around the world.

International recognition

In December 2012, Comillas Pontifical University was included in the list of universities recognised by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, along with the University of Deusto, Ramón Llull University and CEU San Pablo University, which are the only four private Spanish universities to have this recognition. This means that the Chinese government has officially recognised Comillas Pontifical University as one of the foreign universities recommended to Chinese students to study abroad.

Documentation and links of interest for foreign students.


Upcoming events.

Latest news

Campus, Internacional
15 January 2024
Comillas welcomes new foreign students

Over 600 students from 33 different countries will attend the university this second semester

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9 May 2022
What are the challenges faced by European foreign policy?

Comillas CIHS organizará en junio un curso de verano sobre la política exterior y seguridad de la Unión Europea

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Want to know more?

General contact information

Who we are
International Service Director
Arturo Varona Bosque avarona@comillas.edu

Mobility for teachers and students
Marta Albacete Sánchez albacete@comillas.edu
María del Carmen González Cupeiro cgonzalez@comillas.edu
Raquel Roncero Costumero rroncero@comillas.edu

Comillas International
Arturo Varona Bosque avarona@comillas.edu

Xinyi Ying
