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The challenges and opportunities of AI from a philosophical perspective

Comillas CIHS dedicated its 28th International Conference on Philosophy to "Thinking about Artificial Intelligence", an edition co-organised with the Hana and Francisco J. Ayala Center for Science, Technology and Religion

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18 April 2024

Since its inception 29 years ago, the Philosophy Conference at Comillas Pontifical University has been a meeting point for philosophical thought of the highest order, addressing each year some of the great questions of our time. For this reason, the 28th International Philosophy Conference, organised by the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS), this year in collaboration with the Hana and Francisco Ayala Center for Science, Technology and Religion, was dedicated to "Thinking about Artificial Intelligence". Three intense days in which experts in different fields have reflected from different points of view on the widespread use of generative artificial intelligence and its influence in all spheres of individual and social life.

The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS), Susanne M. Cadera, was in charge of opening the meeting. " Rarely have we seen a topic so present and so directly affecting our lives," said the dean about the emergence of AI. "On the one hand, we see it as a great advance for the development of humanity. On the other hand, the limits of its development cast shadows. It is important to reflect on the uses of advances in AI because it is as important to advance as it is to be able to adapt to our own advances without losing a critical sense," he noted.

"Many have said that we are facing one of the greatest revolutions in the history of humanity," said Carlos Blanco, lecturer in Philosophy at Comillas CIHS and moderator of the first round table. "Beyond ethical questions, philosophy has a lot to say about the fascinating horizon that lies ahead", he said. The 1st table of the day was composed of the lecturer of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Adolfo Castilla, who gave a lecture entitled "Collective Artificial Intelligence and its contribution to the great cosmovision", and by the co-director of the chair, Sara Lumbreras, who spoke about "the ethics of Artificial Intelligence".

During the rest of the conference, lecturers from both Comillas and other universities dealt with issues as diverse and relevant as the role of language, the role of people and the possible dystopias that the abuse of AI can produce. The conference was brought to an end by the co-director of the center, Jaime Tatay, SJ, and the director of the Department of Philosophy, Ricardo Pinilla, who highlighted the consistency of the reflections made in this new edition.

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