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"Freedom is being able to choose what is good for you"

We interview José María Rodríguez Olaizola SJ, in this third episode of the podcast “¿Quién hay ahí?”


Jose María Rodríguez Olaizola is the guest of the third episode of the podcat "¿Quién hay ahí?"

8 April 2024

José María Rodríguez Olaizola is a Jesuit, sociologist and writer. In his latest book "Bailar con el tiempo", he makes a profound reflection on the journey towards maturity, from a perspective that fuses a sociological and spiritual outlook. Faced with the challenge of becoming an adult in a society in which youth is mythologised, Olaizola proposes embracing all stages of life: "It's nice to be young when you are young, but it's nice to be an adult when you are an adult. We have a problem in a society that constantly wants to play that we are all young, and that is not the case".

During the interview he talks about the past and nostalgia: "nostalgia is a grateful memory but the problem is to get trapped in the past"; about the present and the not always well understood carpe diem; and about looking to the future. "We have to live between the past, the present and the future. The three have to be somewhat interlinked", Olaizola points out.

In this episode, as well as tackling issues such as the transition to adulthood, we talk about the reasons for the loneliness affecting today's youth and the search for true freedom. We invite you to join us on this new journey in the third episode of "¿Quién hay ahí?"

Comillas Cast
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Join us in this interview with José María Rodríguez Olaizola, in which we talk to him about youth, maturity, loneliness and freedom, among many other things.

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