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Comillas analyses the impact of AI on education in the podcast "En voz alta"

The episode "Inteligencia artificial en clase: la revolución educativa" looks at the challenges that teachers and students face


In its second episode, the podcast "Out Loud" analyses the impact of AI on education.

12 April 2024

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Therefore, in the face of this new revolution, the field of education has to ask itself what are the new challenges and opportunities that this reality offers to this key sector in society. How do we teach now? How do students learn? These are some of the questions addressed by some members of our university community, teachers and students, in the episode "Inteligencia artificial en clase: la revolución educativa" of the podcast "En voz alta".

This episode was produced with the participation of Alumni and Students at Comillas; Nereida Bueno, lecturer in Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Comillas CIHS; Raúl González Fabre, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Comillas ICADE, and Sofía Pedrós, Patricia Renart and Enrique Campos, students of the Dual Degree in Mathematical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at Comillas ICAI.

For González Fabre, Artificial Intelligence is a "civilisational revolution", comparable to that which occurred in the Neolithic period, or to the industrial revolution of the 18th century, as the lecturer explains in this report. Faced with the arrival of such a transcendental change, a question arises from the university: has the sector carried out the necessary analysis to adequately accompany the coming times? "We have been working on educational innovation for a long time because what we were sure of was that we were not managing to reach students well enough," explains Belén Urosa. "The technological reality that they live in was not sufficiently present in schools", Urosa continues.

In this context, we dare to revisit the challenges posed. "The advent of artificial intelligence is putting on the table a debate about what makes us truly human," explains Nereida Bueno. And it is from this question that the answers arise that lead us to identify those capacities and skills that teachers and students will have to develop from now on in order to favour optimal teaching and learning.

Listen to the episode "Inteligencia artificial en clase: la revolución educativa" here.

Comillas Cast
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What will education look like in the future?

In this episode we discuss with members of our university community the impact of AI on the way we teach and learn.

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