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The Faculty of Law awarded its annual prizes for the best End of Degree Projects in the 2022-23 academic year.

Thirteen students from different degree programmes at Comillas ICADE received awards for their work


27 February 2024

The Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) presented its annual awards for the best End of Degree Projects for the 2022-23 academic year in a ceremony presided over by the Rector of the University, Enrique Sanz Giménez-Rico, SJ, and the Dean of the Faculty, Abel B. Veiga Copo.

Both the rector and the dean addressed the award winners to congratulate them, acknowledging their efforts and research work.

Baker & McKenzie Award for rigour and innovation, presented by Antonio Morales, managing partner of the public law, energy, infrastructure and environment department:

  • First prize: Mario López del Val, for his work "El componente jurídico del sistema eléctrico en España", directed by José María Codes.
  • Second prize: Inés Delgado López, for her work "El concepto de paraíso fiscal y jurisdicción no cooperativa: implicaciones en los cambios de residencia por razones tributarias", directed by María Pilar Navau.

Chair in Children's Rights Prize, presented by Myriam Cabrera, director of the Chair:

  • Award: María Sánchez Fernández, for her work "El derecho del adoptado a conocer sus orígenes", under the tutelage of María Isabel Álvarez Vélez.

Cuatrecasas Global Practice Law Award, Fedra Valencia, partner of the firm:

  • First prize: Alejandra Delgado Romera, for her work "El fenómeno de las spacs: consideraciones societarias y regulatorias de esta figura en España" supervised by Bruno Walter Martín Baumeister.
  • Second prize: Claudia Viejo Ortíz, for her work "Análisis del régimen jurídico y del nuevo alcance de las medidas restrictivas en el ámbito de la pesc tras la invasión rusa de Ucrania", directed by Paula García Andrade.

Garrigues Award for Excellence in Business Law, presented by Álvaro López-Jorrín, co-managing partner of the Commercial Law Department:

  • First prize: José Miguel Simón Palmeiro, for his work "El conflicto entre la UEFA y la Superliga: ¿el precedente que se necesitaba para la liberalización del sector del deporte?", directed by José María Codes Calatrava.
  • Second prize: Patricia María González San Martín for her work "El derecho de separación del socio en las sociedades de capital. Especial consideración al supuesto de falta de distribución de dividendos. Análisis crítico", directed by Juan Francisco Falcón.

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo International Business Lawyers Award, presented by Mariana Díaz-Moro, Partner in the Tax Department:

  • First prize: Patricia María Gonzalez San Martín, for her work "El derecho de separación del socio en las sociedades de capital. Especial consideración al supuesto de falta de distribución de dividendos. Análisis crítico", directed by Juan Francisco Falcón.
  • Second prize: Mar González Hérnandez, for her work "Análisis jurídico de los NFTs (tokens no fungibles) y estudio sobre su tributación conforme al impuesto sobre el valor añadido", directed by Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal.

Linklaters Award for creativity, innovation and originality, presented by Íñigo Díaz de Berricano, Partner of Capital Markets:

  • First prize: Miguel Frognier Pérez, for his work “El papel de los remedios estructurales frente a las prácticas anticompetitivas de los gigantes digitales. aportaciones de los casos “Google Search (shopping)” y “Google Android” impulsados por la comisión europea", directed by Bruno Walter Martín Baumeister.
  • Second prize: Raquel del Río Torralbo, for her work "La intervención jurídico-pública en la IA", directed by María Burzaco Samper.

Uría Menéndez Award for Excellence in Legal Argumentation, presented by Tomás Acosta, Partner of the Commercial Law Department:

  • First prize: Cristina García Bermejo, for her work "El caso del Parque Nacional de Doñana como paradigma del incumplimiento del mandato constitucional de disponer de un derecho medioambiental adecuado", directed by Francisco Valiente Martínez.
  • Second prize: María Jariod Crespo, for her work "El metaverso: un desafío para la personalidad jurídica y la identidad digital. La identidad legal de la persona digital y su seguridad jurídica", directed by Ricardo Pazos Castro.

Congratulations to all the winners! You are a clear example that work done with dedication and passion has a unique result. 

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