
University Institute of Studies on Migration

Let us create spaces for dialogue and cooperation.


Our mission is to provide a university response to the challenges and opportunities presented by the reality of migration and refuge, as well as international cooperation.

people on the street

Our mission is to provide a university response to the challenges and opportunities presented by the reality of migration and refuge, as well as international cooperation.

group of migrants walking

Our mission

Our mission is to respond from the university to the challenges and opportunities presented by the reality of migration, refuge and international cooperation. We propose a reflection aimed at transforming our social context, where diversity is an opportunity, promoting more inclusive and intercultural societies.

To achieve this, we use research, teaching and social transfer. These are the three main axes that move the IUEM and our university. The challenges posed by the current context of migration and cooperation, complexity and global interconnectivity require today more than ever creative, sustainable and transformative responses.

To achieve this general objective we work with the different departments and units of the university dedicated to communication, sustainability and research.

Sharing and disseminating

Always through teaching

We have extensive teaching experience that we have developed in masters and doctoral programmes, recognised by the European Education Area-EEA and with the Seal of Quality of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, ANECA.

mercedes fernandez director ieum
Mercedes Fernández
Director of the IUEM

We face an exciting job to achieve our mission: research to understand what is happening to us

El equipo

Research for development

Lines of research:

  • Integration of migrants
  • Refugees and forced migrants
  • Vulnerability and disasters
  • Migrations from, to and in Latin America

Social transformation

Through our publications and papers, seminars and networking we seek to share discoveries, advances and reflections that nurture people.

Useful resources

Consult the different resources for up-to-date information


Upcoming events

Latest news

The image depicts two scenes related to refugee mental health, with a group of professional women posing in one scene and a lecture about refugee mental health in progress in another.
1 July 2024
Summary of the Seminar Series on Migration and Refuge 2023-2024

The Refugee Chair organised six sessions over the course of the year, addressing key migration and refugee issues.

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1 July 2024
Summary of the Seminar Series on Migration and Refuge 2023-2024

The Refugee Chair organised six sessions over the course of the year, addressing key migration and refugee issues.

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Evento BREAKING - guarda la fecha (002).png
22 April 2024
BREAKING Project holds its first co-creation event

On Friday 19 April, the BREAKING R&D Project held its first online co-creation event with professionals working with migrants and refugees.

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20 April 2024
Participating in the IMISCOE 2024 Spring Conference

The IMISCOE 2024 Spring Conference on "Mobilities and Immobilities in an Era of Polycrisis" was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17-19 April 2024.

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