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Comillas participates in the presentation of the Fundación Humans Awards for the best Humanisation projects

The Master's Degree in Social Work in the Health Sector at Comillas CIHS has special relevance as a pioneer in Spain in these postgraduate studies


Jorge Uroz, Director of the Department of Sociology and Social Work (Comillas CIHS) with one of the winning teams.

23 February 2024

The Aula Magna at Comillas Pontifical University was the setting for the Fundación Humans - which facilitates the processes of humanisation in healthcare organisations, in professional attitudes and in the organisational processes of healthcare centres - to present the awards for the second edition of the "Best Humanisation Projects" Competition and the Awards. Jorge Uroz, Director of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Comillas, was part of the jury that decided on the awards in the five categories that were entered in the competition (one of them included the School of Nursing and Physical Therapy), and he was very satisfied with the result of the collaboration between the university and the Fundación Humans.

"At a time when health care is going through great difficulties and transformations, it is essential to remember that humanisation must prevail in every health interaction. Promoting a culture where health care goes beyond mere technical intervention by emphasising the intrinsic value of the human connection in the healing process has become one of the main purposes for many professionals and organisations in our country," said Uroz, who is also responsible for the Master's Degree in Social Work in the Health Sector together with Daniel Gil, its director.

This master's degree is a pioneering one in Spain due to the type of training it offers, and the Fundación Humans will be collaborating with it next year. In this sense, Uroz underlined the importance of this postgraduate course, and recalled that "as it is official, in the future it will allow for the recognition of specialisation in social health work. Furthermore, the close relationship that the university has with the professional world allows students to have more hours of professional practice than any other training programme in Spain: in this way we can ensure the acquisition of the necessary skills to intervene in highly complex contexts, as is the case of social work in the health field".

For his part, the president of the Fundación Humans, Julio Zarco, insisted on seeking "a cultural transformation that places the essential aspects of treating patients and accompanying them at the centre of health and social-health humanism, as it is necessary to involve different professionals, organisations and citizens. Multidisciplinarity becomes a fundamental part in this path towards a more compassionate care".

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