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Advantere starts academic year with students from 15 countries

The inauguration was attended by the Rectors Comillas and Deusto, the Dean of the McDonough Business School (Georgetown University) and the president of the International Association of Jesuit Universities. 

Inauguración Advantere

26 October 2023

Advantere School of Management, an international school located in Madrid within the framework of the higher education of the Society of Jesus, that there´s almost 200 centers around the world, and with the support of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, the University of Deusto and Georgetown University as a strategic academic partner, began its second academic year this Thursday, October 25. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Rector of Comillas Pontifical University, Enrique Sanz Giménez-Rico; the Rector of the University of Deusto, Juan José Etxeberria; the Dean of the McDonough Business School, Georgetown University, Paul Almeida; the President of the International Association of Jesuit Universities, Joseph Christie; the President of Advantere, Carlos Blanc and the Director General and Dean of Advantere, Guillermo Cisneros.

Advantere's second year starts with students coming from 15 countries, including Burkina Faso, China, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Uganda, the United States and Venezuela. Advantere offers the Master in International Management and Master in Finance programs. All of them with a radically different model both in terms of teaching and management, responding to the new needs of organizations, the professional development of its students and, above all, of society.

In this sense, Enrique Sanz, Rector of the Pontificia de Comillas University has highlighted that “we share common valors with the other partners” as Advantere or Deusto and “we want to accompany our students in their professional lifes”. He also said that the “alumni people is so extended around the world and it´s a big community and connection between countries”. He emphasized on the IA problem.

In the other hand, Juan José Etxeberria, Rector of the Deusto University has emphasized that Advantere School of Management is fully aligned with Deusto´s strategic plan, a plan who whose motto is “Transforming our world together”, using three expressions “transforming”, “our world” and “together”, which reflect the work undertaken at Advantere between Comillas, Georgetown and Deusto to train graduates who will transform the world he motivate students saying: “you´re joining a privilege school”.

The President of the International Association of Jesuit Universities, Joseph Christie mentioned that “he´s proud to be a member of that”, also “we like to focus in 3 levels: head level, heart level and hand level, but the heart one is the most important”. He focus that is necessary the international perspective and that “everything is international” and we should “train students as global citizens”.

The President, Carlos Blanc and the Director, Guillermo Cisneros, of Advantere School of Management, have mainly highlighted that there´s more than 200 centers around the world. They are working on the social justice and the social services “Being part of this family”.

Finally the Rector of the Pontificia de Comillas University inaugurate the course focusing on the effort of his partners and with two main topics that they share in common: “teaching and research” and “training leaders”.

The inauguration ceremony was held at the Impact Hub in Madrid, Advantere's provisional headquarters until the new building in the Chamartín area, which will be the center's definitive headquarters, is ready.

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