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University Institute of Spirituality


We are dedicated to teaching and research, concerned to form our students in a solid spirituality, for a Christian understanding of the world and our history, as well as to offer effective pastoral help.


We are dedicated to teaching and research, concerned to form our students in a solid spirituality, for a Christian understanding of the world and our history, as well as to offer effective pastoral help.

Theology for lay people
Theology for lay people


Within the general aims of the Comillas Pontifical University, the Institute of Spirituality, attached to its Faculty of Theology, aims to:

- To contribute to the formation of people who are integrated and mature in the Spirit, capable of being animators of other people and communities on the path of Christian growth.
- To find the appropriate position between theological reflection, vital assimilation and pastoral practice.
- To favour the gestation of unified personalities, able to discern the signs of the times and determined to live and grow their Christian experience in their cultural contexts.

Alumni Spirituality Institute
Alumni Spirituality Institute

Who are we addressing?

The institute's activities are mainly aimed at:

  • Formators or future formators of priests, religious men and women and members of secular institutes and other Christian communities.

  • Lay people involved in catechetical formation and in the pastoral animation of individuals and communities.

  • All those who wish to combine their ordinary work with ongoing formation studies and devote some time to them for retraining.

Alumni Spirituality Institute
Alumni Spirituality Institute


Promotional banner for an event featuring Mama Antula, labeled as the first Argentine saint, with logos of Instituto Universitario de Espiritualidad and Comillas CHS.
4 July 2024
Mama Antula. First Argentinean saint

The U. Institute of Spirituality organised this round table on this saint with the participation of professors from the Faculty of Theology

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A woman speaking at a podium with a nameplate and a red rose, beside a black and white image of another woman.
28 June 2024
The reparative dimension in the spirituality of Thérèse of Lisieux

The Revista de Espiritualidad has published the paper given by Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero, PhD, at the 1st International Congress of St. Therese of Lisieux

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The image features the word 'Gregorianum' in red serif font centered over a textured gray background with subtle ornamental designs.
27 June 2024
From Clavis Ecclesiae to Lumen Gentium 11

Fernando Millán, Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Director of the U. Institute of Spirituality, publishes this article in the Gregorianum Magazine

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Council of the University Institute of Spirituality.

Dr. Fernando Joaquín Millán Romeral, O.Carm

Members of the Board
Dr. Javier Cía Blasco, S.J.
Dr. Javier Cía Blasco, S.J.
Dr. José García de Castro Valdés, S.J.
Dr. María Jesús Fernández Cordero
Dr. M.ª del Mar Graña Cid
Dr. Francisco José López Sáez
Dr. Juan Antonio Marcos Rodríguez, O.C.D.

Dr. Eduardo López Hortelano
Dr. Eduardo López Hortelano, S.J.

Want to know more?

Contact us

Director of the Institute
D. Fernando Joaquín Millán Romeral, O.Carm

Cantoblanco: Dª. Ruth Imedio García rigarcia@comillas.edu (Ext. 6136)

Cantoblanco: Mercedes Barrionuevo merba@comillas.edu

Cantoblanco Campus
Tlf: 91.734.39.50
Fax: 91.734.45.70

Headquarters Alberto Aguilera, 23
Tlf.: 91.542.28.00
Fax: 91.559.65.69