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2nd round table on Zen and Christianity

Organised by the Institute of Spirituality at Comillas and in collaboration with the Zendo Betania Foundation, a dialogue was held on the mysticism of spiritualities

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Speakers at the 2nd Round Table on Zen and Christianity

21 May 2024

The second round table on Zen and Christianity took place on May 9th at "Comillas Conecta Lab". The round table was organised by the Institute of Spirituality in collaboration with the Zendo Betania Foundation and was attended by Ana María Schlütter, Secundino Castro, OCD, Eduard López Hortelano, SJ and Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm.

In a very relaxed atmosphere, but with great depth and seriousness, some aspects of Zen mysticism were compared with Ignatian and Teresian mysticism. The speakers went through a series of convergences and divergences between the three conceptions of mysticism. In these times of superficiality and immediacy, the great mystical traditions help us to deepen our understanding of the meaning of life and to confront the great questions of existence from the depths of spirituality.

The complete video of the round table is available on the TV.Comillas platform by clicking here.

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