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The Madrid Chess Championship "invades" the Comillas gymnasium

More than 90 chess players gather over two days to showcase their best moves


29 February 2024

The gymnasium at Alberto Aguilera 23 has been the gathering place of the Madrid Chess Championship, a tournament that broke the record of participation and had an attendance of more than 90 chess players.

With three open competitions, the chess players had to put themselves in the shoes of grandmasters such as Magnus Carlsen or Gary Kasparov and expose their best moves.

Three chess players from Comillas won the Rector's Trophy:

1. Víctor Oliveira Sánchez

2. Carlos Dorronsoro Málaga

3. Félix García Fernández

In the men's individual category we had a close game:

1. Marcos Lianes GarcÍa, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

2. Gabriel Quispe Arteaga, from the Universidad de Málaga

3. Sebastián Reyes Peñas, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

In the women's category, the top three was close:

1. Cecilia Guillo Longares, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

2. Lulu Zhou, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

3. Lucía Gil Ojeda, from the Rey Juan Carlos University

Congratulations to all participants and especially to the champions for a great tournament!

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