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What are the uses of artificial intelligence in the classroom?

The Marketing Service organised the 27th Jornada de Directores y Orientadores de Centros Educativos dedicated to the practical application of AI in educational environments


Álex Rayón during his conference

20 December 2023

The Events Office of the Marketing Service at Comillas Pontifical University organised the 27th Jornada de Directores y Orientadores de Centros Educativos which, on this occasion, was dedicated to the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom.

The rector of the university, Enrique Sanz, SJ, opened the meeting by reflecting on the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence. "There are several dimensions to artificial intelligence. Among them, gender - there are only 12% of women specialists in this field -, ethics and, above all, education. We will have to train and work on these issues".

Next, Álex Rayón, PhD in Computer Science and Telecommunications, and co-founder and CEO of brainandcode.tech gave the conference "What is and what is not Generative AI". "Society is rapidly internalising the idea that generative artificial intelligence surpasses us in everything. Indeed, there are functions in which it is better than us and others in which it is not. What there is no doubt about is that it is going to change everything," he pointed out.

David Contreras, lecturer at Comillas ICAI, was in charge of giving the second lecture in which he presented some proposals under the title "AI applied to day-to-day teaching". "The new generative intelligences are making us see this type of technology in a friendly way. AI does not come to replace anything, it comes to make us better professionals and to allow us to focus on value," he said.

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