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Analysis of the COP28 agreements in Dubai in the light of Integral Ecology

Professor of Theology Dr. Jesús Sánchez Camacho publishes this article in the specialist journal 'The conversation'.

The full article is available in open access

19 December 2023

On the occasion of the last United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), world leaders have gathered in Dubai committed to analyzing and offering agreements against climate change. In this context, Prof. Dr. Jesús Sánchez Camacho has published his analysis of the COP28 agreements in the light of Pope Francis' Integral Ecology in the specialist journal 'The Conversation' in Open Access.

Jesús Sánchez Cam acho, Professor of the Faculty of Theology, holds a PhD in Human and Social Sciences, belongs to the Department of Moral Theology and Praxis of Christian Life and is an expert in social communication. Recently, our Professor, Dr. Sánchez Camacho, has been appointed Director of the Integral Ecology Unit of our Comillas University.

Our Professor delves into the COP28, in the formulation of 'Integral Ecology' that Pope Francis drafted in Laudato si' or in the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum, where Francis expresses his concern about climate change.

The full article is available in open access by clicking here.

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