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Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership


Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership

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Description and objectives

EES-UETP is an Association of Universities and Enterprises for the training in the field of Electric Energy Systems. EES-UETP has 14 partners (1 enterprise and 13 universities) in 12 European countries. The Partnership began its activities in July 1992, in the framework of the COMETT program. After the end of COMETT, EES-UETP is self-financed.

The main objectives of EES-UETP are:

• To provide an advanced technical and economic basis for the interconnected European Electric Energy System, under the new European Union scenario.
• To join utilities practice and universities experience to create more advanced and realistic planning and operation procedures.
• To better integrate environmental issues in both utilities practice and universities education programs.
• To obtain better and direct information about research and development in Europe in the area of Electric Energy System.



Former Members:
Graz University of Technology


KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Former Members:
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar
University of Osijek


University of Cyprus


Technical University of Denmark (DTU)


Former Members:
Graduate School in Electrical Energy Engineering (GSEEE)


Former Members:
Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (RTE)
École Centrale de Nantes


TU Dortmund University


Former Members:
National Technical University of Athens


Universitá degli studi di Cagliari

Former Members:
Universitá degli studi di Bologna
Universitá degli studi di Genova


Former Members:
University College Dublin


Former Members:
Riga Technical University




Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Iberdrola S.A.

Former Members:
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad Politécnica Valencia


Former Members:
KTH Royal Institute of Technology


ETH Zürich
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

United Kingdom

University of Manchester
University of Strathclyde


Executive Board

Chairman: Dr. Luis Rouco
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain

Dr. Jalal Kazempour
Technical University of Denmark - DTU, Denmark

Dr. Agustí Egea
University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, U.K.


Coordinator: Dr. Luis Olmos
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain
C/Alberto Aguilera, 23; 28015 - Madrid - España
E-mail: olmos@iit.upcomillas.es

Previous courses

2024 Course Program

Course 2024-01: HVDC technology and HVDC grids

   CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain.
   Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
   University of Leuven, Belgium.

Venue: Barcelona, Spain
Dates: March 11-13 2024

2023 Course Program

Course 2023-01: Advanced laboratory testing methods for modern power systems
Organizer: : TU Dortmund University - Germany
Venue: TU Dortmund University - Germany
Dates: May 8th - May 10th, 2023

2022 Course Program

Course 2022-01: Advanced Optimization, Learning and Game-Theoretic Models in Energy Systems
Organizer: : Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Venue: DTU Summer School. In-person event
Dates: June 20-24, 2022

Course 2022-02: Control of power systems dominated by power electronic converters
Organizer: : CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain
Venue: ETSEIB-UPC, Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: Nov 29th - Dec 2nd, 2022

2021 Course Program

Course 2021-01: HVDC grids and Offshore Wind
   Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
   University of Leuven, Belgium
   CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain.
Venue: The course will be organized online, using Microsoft TEAMS platform
Dates: October, 2021. Weeks 41, 42 and 43.

2020 Course Program

Due to COVID-19 pandemic all 2020 courses were cancelled

2019 Course Program

Course 2019-01: Low Inertia Power Systems
Organizers: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain.
Venue: Madrid, SPAIN
Dates: April 25-26, 2019

Course 2019-02: Advanced controls for power systems with high penetration of renewables
Organizers: Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Venue: Nantes, France
Dates: June 17-19, 2019

Course 2019-03: Data-Driven Analytics and Optimization for Energy Systems
Organizers: DTU Lyngby, Denmark
Venue: Kongens Lyngby, and Roskilde, Denmark
Dates: June 17-21, 2019

Course 2019-04: HVDC Grids and Offshore Wind
   Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
   University of Leuven, Belgium
   CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
   Cardiff University, UK
Venue: DTU Lynby Campus, Denmark
Dates: This course has been postponed. Fuerther news on it will be published in due time

Course 2019-05: Integration of Electric Vehicles in Power Systems
Organizers: TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Venue: TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Dates: September 16-18, 2019

2018 Course Program

Course 2018-01: HVDC technology and HVDC grids
   University of Leuven, Belgium
   CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
   Cardiff University, UK
   Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Venue: Leuven, BELGIUM
Dates: May 29-June 1, 2018

Course 2018-02: Modern Optimization in Energy Systems
Organizer: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Venue: DTU campus at Lyngby, DENMARK
Dates: June 25-29, 2018

Course 2018-04: Advanced Data Analytics for Energy Systems
Organizer: INESC Technology and Science (INESC TEC)
Venue: INESC, Porto, Portugal
Dates: September 3rd-5th, 2018

2017 Course Program

Course 2017-01: Re-thinking the regulation of the power system to integrate large shares of renewables and distributed energy resources
Organizer: ICAI School of Engineering. Comillas Pontifical University
Venue: Comillas Pontifical University. Madrid, SPAIN
Dates: February 15-17, 2017

Course 2017-02: Modern Challenges in Power System Operation and Electricity Markets: An Optimization Perspective
Organizer: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and The Energy Markets and Analytics (ELMA) Group
Venue: Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE). Department of Electrical Engineering. Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Dates: June 12-16, 2017

2016 Course Program

Course 2016-01: Risk Management in Power Systems: from Theory to Practice
Organizer: INESC Technology and Science (INESC TEC)
Venue: INESC TEC - Campus da FEUP. Porto, PORTUGAL
Dates: June 15-17, 2016

Course 2016-02: Uncertainty in Electricity Markets and System Operation
Organizer: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Venue: Lyngby, Denmark
Dates: July 4-8, 2016

Course 2016-03: Planning of smart distribution grids
Organizer: Technical University of Dortmund
Venue: Dortmund, Germany
Dates: September 21-23, 2016

Course 2016-04: HVDC technology and HVDC grids
   CITCEA-UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTECH, Barcelona, Spain
   University of Leuven, Belgium
   Cardiff Universiry, UK
Venue: ETSEIB-UPC, Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: December 13-16, 2016

2015 Course Program

Course 2015-02: Building-to-Smart-Grid Integration
Organizer: Universidad de Sevilla.
Venue: Sevilla, SPAIN
Dates: June 17-19, 2015

2014 Course Program

Course 2014-01: Energy Storage in Power Systems: Technologies, Applications and Future needs
Organizer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPF-Lausanne and ETH-Zürich.
Venue: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Dates: February 4-7, 2014

Course 2014-02: Microgrids – the building block of a smarter grid
Organizer: INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto.
Venue: INESC Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dates: June 2-4, 2014

Course 2014-03: Demand Response in Deregulated Electricity markets: Trends and Opportunities
Organizer: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Venue: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Dates: November 20-21, 2014

Course 2014-04: HVDC Technology and Applications
Organizer: University of Strathclyde
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Dates: December 1-4, 2014

2013 Course Program

2013-01 Cyber-Physical System Security of the Power Grid
Organizer: KTH Royal Institute of Technology; ETH Zürich; University College Dublin.

2013-02 Co-Simulation of Energy and ICT Systems
Organizer: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2013-03 HVDC and HVDC Grids for Future Transmission
Organizer: KU Leuven, Belgium.

2012 Course Program

2012-01 Energy Storage in Power Systems: Technologies, Applications and Future needs
Course Leaders: Prof. G. Andersson, Prof. M. Paolone, Dr R. Cherkaoui (ETHZ, Zurich and EPFL, Lausanne)

2012-02 Optimisation and Simulation Methods for Large Power Systems
Course Leaders: Prof. Evangelos Dialynas (National Technical University of Athens)

2012-03 IEC 61850 and Interoperability in Smartgrid
Course Leaders: Dr. Arshad Saleem and Professor Lars Nordström (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology)

2012-04 Advanced Methods and Models for Power System Dynamic Simulation
Course Leaders: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ch. Rehtanz (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

2012-05 Smart Cities: Planning and operation of future urban energy systems
Course Leaders: Dr Pierluigi Mancarella and Prof Jovica Milanovic (The University of Manchester, UK)

2012-06 HVDC grids for offshore wind power
Course Leaders: Dr Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt (CITCEA-UPC, IREC) and Dr Dirk Van Hertem (KU Leuven)

2011 Course Program

2011-01 Protection of Future Networks with Distributed Generation
Course Leaders: Prof. V.Terzija (University of Manchester)

2011-03 Smart Electricity Distribution Grids: Economics and Regulation
Course Leaders: Dr. Tomás Gómez and Dr. Pablo Frías (Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid)

2011-04 Impact of Large Scale Deployment of Electric Mobility in Power System Operation and Planning
Course Leaders: Prof. João Abel Peças Lopes and Prof. Rodrigo Garcia (INESCPorto, Portugal)

2010 Course Program

2010-01 Power Quality Issues in Contemporary and Future Power Networks
Course Leaders: Prof. J.V. Milanovic

2010-02 Electric Vehicle Integration into Modern Power Networks
Course Leaders: Prof. Rodrigo Garcia and Prof. Peças Lopes

2010-03 Transients In Large Offshore Wind Power Plants. Components Selection, Design, Modelling And Grid Interaction
Course Leaders: Prof. Rodrigo Garcia and Prof. Joachim Holbøll

2010-04 Impact of the Integration of Wind and Solar Energy on the Operation of Power Systems: Realiability and Market Prices
Course Leaders:Prof. Andres Ramos and Prof. Javier Garcia Gonzalez

2009 Course Program

2009-01 Power System State Estimation: Recent Trends and Future Needs
Course Leaders: Prof. Antonio Gómez Expósito (University of Sevilla, Spain)

2009-02 New challenges of electricity markets
Course Leaders: Prof. Yannick Phulpin (SUPELEC, Paris, France)

2009-03 Design, installation and application of Phase Measuring Units (PMUs)
Course Leaders: Prof. John Eli Nielsen (DTU - Technical University of Denmark)

2009-04 Demand Response In Deregulated Electricity Markets
Course Leaders: Prof. Carlos Álvarez (Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain)

2009-05 Coordinated power flow control in transmission networks
Course Leaders: Prof. Dr. Christian Rehtanz (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany)

2009-06 Simulation and Analysis of Power System Transients
Course Leaders: Dr. Chul-Hwan Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)

2008 Course Program

2008-01 Power system security assessment and control in the new context of liberalized electricity market
Course Leaders: Prof. Stefano Massucco, Prof. Thierry Van Cutsem and Prof. Louis Wehenkel (University of Genova Italy)

2008-02 Developing Microgeneration and Microgrids
Course Leaders: Prof. João Peças Lopes (INESC Porto Portugal)

2008-04 Integration of Wind Generation
Course Leaders: Prof. Christian Rehtanz (Technische Universität Dortmund Germany)

2008-05 Models for Electricity Generation Strategy in the 21st Century: New Roles and New Approaches
Course Leaders: Dr. Efraim Centeno (Universidad Pontificia Comillas Spain )

2007 Course Program

2007-01 Probabilistic planning and operation of power transmission systems in a competitive market
Course Leaders: Prof. Evagellos Dialynas and Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou (National Technical University of Athens)

2007-02 Simulation and analysis of power system transients
Course Leader: Dr. Jean Mahseredjian and Dr. Carlo Alberto Nucci (University of Bologna)

2007-03 Electricity networks of the future: theoretical and practical issues to design the new distribution system
Course Leader: Dr.Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari)

2007-05 New challenges to ancillary services regulation and operation
Course Leaders: Dr. Ignacio Egido & Dr. Francisco M. Echavarren (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)

2007-06 Wide area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPAC) of power systems
Course Leader: Prof. Vladimir Terzija (University of Manchester)

2006 Course Program

2006-01 Understanding and managing power system blackouts - from stability fundamentals to preventive and curative control
Course Leaders: Dr. Rachid Cherkaoui (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and Dr. T. Van Cutsem (University of Liège)

2006-02 Electricity Market Integration and Tariffs Harmonization
Course Leader: Dr. João Tomé Saraiva (INESC Porto)

2006-03 Regional Electricity and Gas Markets in South-East Europe
Course Leader: Dr. Goran Granic (Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar)

2006-04 Simulation and analysis of power system transients
Course Leaders: Dr. Jean Mahseredjian (École Polytechnique de Montréal) and Dr. Carlo Alberto Nucci (University of Bologna)

2006-05 Short term wind power prediction
Course Leader: Dr. Julio Usaola García (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

2006-06 Grounding Analysis and Techniques: from Industrial to High Frequencies and Lightning
Course Leaders: Dr. Leonid Grcev (Methodius University), Dr. Farhad Rachidi (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and Dr. Fabrizio Pilo (University di Cagliari)

2006-07 Market monitoring as a means to curb market power and increase efficiency of deregulated markets
Course Leader: Dr. Gianluigi Migliavacca (CESI Ricerca)

2005 Course Program

2005-01 Interconnections and Congestion Management in Europe
Course Leader: Prof. Enrique Lobato Miguélez (Universidad Pontificia Comillas - IIT)

2005-02 Operation of Power Systems with Increased Wind Power Penetration
Course Leader: Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou (National Technical University of Athens)

2005-03 Integrated Planning of Power and Natural Gas System
Course Leaders: Dr. Goran Granic, Damir Pešut (Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Zagreb, Croatia)

2005-04 Wide Area Monitoring and Control in Power Systems
Course Leader: Prof. Göran Andersson (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH)

2005-05 Price Forecasting and Simulation Tools as a Mean for Assessing the Impact of Market Regulation
Course Leader:Dr. Gianluigi Migliavacca (CESI)

2005-06 Power System Security Assessment and Control in the new Context of Liberalized Electricity Market
Course Leader: Prof. Stefano Massucco (University of Genova)

2005-07 Grounding Analysis and Techniques: from Industrial to High Frequencies and Lightning
Course Leaders:Prof. Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari), Prof. Farhad Rachidi (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne)

2004 Course Program

  1. "Managing Power Systems with Large Scale Integration of Wind Generation"
    Course Leader: Prof. João A. Peças Lopes (INESC Porto)
    53. "Electricity Distribution Regulation under Restructuring"
    Course Leader: Prof. Tomás Gómez San Román (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
    54. "Large Interconnected Power Systems: an Integrated Approach"
    Course Leader: Dr. Bruno Cova (CESI)
    55. "Grounding Analysis and Techniques: from Industrial to High Frequencies and Lightning"
    Course Leaders: Prof. Leonid Grcev (University of Skopje), Prof. Farhad Rachidi (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
    56. "Power Quality: Solving Harmonic Problems in Distribution Networks; Assessment and Costs of Voltage Dips"
    Course Leader: Dr. Jovica Milanovic (UMIST)
    57. "Planning, Designing and Operating the Distribution Network of the Future for the Exploitation of Distributed Energy Resources"
    Course Leader: Prof. Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari)

2003 Course Program

  1. "Introduction to Mathematical Optimisation Techniques applied to Power Systems Generation Operation Planning"
    Course Leaders: Dr. Michel Rivier (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Dr. Andrés Ramos (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
    49. "Impact of Distributed Generation over Distribution Networks: Technical and Regulatory Issues"
    Course Leader: Dr. Juan Rivier (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
    50. "Power Systems simulation using Matlab:Theory and applications to realistic cases"
    Course Leaders: Dr. Willis Long (University of Wisconsin), Dr. Carlo Alberto Nucci (University of Bologna)
    51. "Solving EMC/Power Quality problems due to lightning"
    Course Leader: Dr. Farhad Rachidi (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

2002 Course Program

  1. "Integration of renewables and CHP, guarantee of supply and ancillary services in electricity markets."
    Course Leader: Dr. João Tomé Saraiva (INESC Porto)

2001 Course Program

  1. Risk management: the perspective in electric utilities
    Course Leaders: Christine Vialas (Electricité de France); Jaime Román (ENDESA)
    43. "Economic Analysis of Electricity Market in Europe "
    Course Leaders: Jean.Marc Bonnisseau, Nicolas Chauvet, Jean-Michel Glachant (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Christine Vialas (Electricité de France)
    44. "Electricity Demand Forecasts in Europe"
    Course Leader: Vincent Lefieux (Electricité de France)
    45. "Voltage Dips Causes, Effects and Mitigation"
    Course Leader: Juan A. Martínez Velasco (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
    Course Leader: José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas) 46. "Integration of Renewables and CHP, Guarantee of Supply and Ancillary Services in Electricity Markets"
    Course Leader: Dr. Joao Tomé Saraiva (INESC)

2000 Course Program

  1. Water & Fuel Management in Electricity Markets
    Course Leader: Jaime Román (ENDESA)
    Course Leader: Rodolfo Martinez (IBERDROLA)
    39. Electricity Markets - Models and Tools for Utilities and Other Players
    Course Leader: João Tomé Saraiva (INESC PORTO)
    40. Solving Power Quality/Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems due to Lightning
    Course Leader: Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci (Universitá degli Studi di Bologna)
    41. Open Access in transmission networks
    Course Leader: José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas)

1999 Course Program

  1. Computation of Electromagnetic Transients
    Course Leader: Prof.Teresa Correia de Barros (INTERG)
    33. Recent Advances in Optimisation of Generation Operation
    Course Leader: Arnaud Renaud (Electricité de France)
    34. Information Technology Application in Power Distribution
    Course Leader: Matti Lehtonen (University of Technology Helsinki)
    35. Reliability under Restructuring - Ancillary Services Markets
    Course Leader: Tomás Gómez & José Ignacio de la Fuente (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
    36. Risk Management in Energy Markets: Optimal Use of Financial Products
    Course Leader: Arnaud Renaud (Electricité de France)
    Course Leader: F. Roure (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)
    37. Energy Trade-Possibilities in Liberalized Markets
    Course Leader: Ulrich Schlücking (EUS GmbH)

March, 4 1999; NATIONAL GRID Lisbon (PORTUGAL)

1998 Course Program

  1. Electrical power quality.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia).
    29. Custom Power Technologies
    Course leader:Juan Antonio Martínez Velasco (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya).
    30.Use of Electrical Storage Systems for Electric Energy.
    Course leader: Prof. E.Handschin, (EUS GmbH).
    31. Electricity Markets: Fundamentals and International Experiences.
    Course leader: Prof. Joao Tomé Saraiva (INESC).

1997 Course Program

  1. Electrical power quality.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia)
    22. Towards a competitive electricity market: theoretical and practical issues.
    Course leaders: Dr. Juan J. Alba (IIT/UPCo) & Dr. Edgar Gnansounou (EPFL).
    23. Applications of fuzzy sets and genetic algorithms to power systems.
    Course leader: Dr. Joao Tomé Saraiva (INESC).
    24. Study and simulation of transients in power systems.
    Course leader: Dr. Patrick Bastard (Supélec).
    25. Artificial neural networks for power system applications.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia).
    26. Electricity distribution in open market conditions.
    Course leader: Prof. Erkki Lakervi (Helsinki University of Technology).
    27. Reactive power management and voltage control.
    Course leaders: Dr. Antonio Gómez (Universidad de Sevilla) & Dr. Tomás Gómez (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas).

1996 Course Program

  1. Some recent advances on optimisation and simulation of generation management.
    Course leader: Dr. Arnaud Renaud (EDF) & Dr. Jaime Román (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas).
    19. Power system state estimation and security assessment.
    Course leader: Prof. Antonio Gómez Expósito (Universidad de Sevilla).
    20. Artificial Intelligence techniques in power plant monitoring
    Course leader: Dr. Miguel Angel Sanz (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas).

1994/1995 Course Program

  1. Computational techniques in large-scale power systems analysis.
    Course leader: Prof. Antonio Gómez Expósito (Universidad de Sevilla).
    9. Stability and control of power networks (II).
    Course leader: Dr. Luis Rouco (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas).
    10.AI applications to the operation of electric energy systems (II).
    Course leader: Prof. Alain Germond (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).
    11.Electromagnetic compatibility in electric energy systems (II).
    Course leader: Prof. Michel Ianoz (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).
    12. Computer simulation of transients in power systems.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia).
    13. Operation and planning of distribution MV networks with dispersed small production.
    Course leader: Prof. Vladimiro Miranda (INESC).
    14. Protection of power systems against lightning.
    Course leader: Dr. Patrick Bastard (Supélec).
    15. Quality of service: Present practice and future trends.
    Course leader: Dr. Math Bollen (UMIST).
    16. Distribution automation, load management and quality of supply (II).
    Course leader: Prof. Jarmo Partanen (Lapeenranta University of Technology).
    17. Lightning performance of distribution & transmission systems.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia).

1992/1993 Course Program

  1. Operation of the interconnected European power system: economic and reliability issues.
    Course leader: Mr. Jean Paul Barret (Electricité de France).
    2. Distribution automation, load management and quality of supply (I).
    Course leader: Prof. C. Álvarez Bel (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia).
    3. Stability and control of power networks (I).
    Course leader: Prof. Göran Andersson (Royal Institute of Technology).
    4. Environmental impact of electric energy generation, transmission and distribution.
    Course leader: Prof. Teresa Correia (Instituto da Energia).
    5. AI applications to the operation of electric energy systems (I).
    Course leader: Mr. Luis Barruncho (Instituto da Energia).
    6. Advanced planning methods in generation, transmission and distribution of energy systems.
    Course leader: Dr. Antonio Conejo (IIT/Universidad Pontificia Comillas).
    7. Electromagnetic compatibility in electric energy systems (I).
    Course leader: Prof. Michel Ianoz (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).